When they were little, they scribbled As for the colors, they didn't care
Their fists held tight around the crayons; Circles and lines were everywhere.
Through time, their talents surfaced and true artists they have become...
Shapes and colors now have meaning, It's not like when they were one
They have learned to stay within the lines. To cut and paste and glue
Art of cheerios and macaroni a true masterpiece, who knew?
Time and effort glue each piece, No reason, nor thought of waste
Cautiously, the work evolves; little fingers stuck with glitter paste,
and for a moment, time stands still sweet child creating what we hold dear
A pure and priceless work of art, for which we know we will never part.
•The thing I loved the most and still love the most about teaching is that you can connect with an individual or a group, and see that individual or group exceed their limits.
Artist Statement:
Children are my inspiration. They are the light coming from heaven. It is my responsibility to give them love because, with their help, we see the true colors – the colors of Heaven.
- Maria Laughlin.
Copyright © 2025 Reyes Laughlin - All Rights Reserved.