My first book “My Blue Teddy Bear” was inspired by the children that I teach and help to instill a love of art, and it is based on my daughter’s favorite teddy bear. Each picture in the book is an original piece of watercolor artwork.
“Blue Teddy Bear Goes to the Hospital”
Available at Barnes & Noble:
This is my second book and was inspired by my watercolor instructor
Bobbi Q. Brown
Available at Barnes & Noble
Pineapple Cove, Imagine Charter School
Inspired by my beautiful daughter Xiomi Juliet, and her Blue "Osito".
Published on 2015
Books published on 2018
"Sugar finds a friend"
Barnes & Noble alive sketching demonstration.
Alive demonstration from "My Blue Teddy Bear" Barnes & Noble Melbourne Florida.
Supporting Pine Apple Cove Academy Night!
In this book, I’m going to show you the easiest way to draw. by starting with just a circle, rainbows, ovals, and adding to it bit by bit, you will be able to draw and coloring Ale’s Teddy. Would you like to draw playful? If you draw basic shapes you will learn how to draw all of them and lots more cool characters and silly animals.